45 hrs maybe? Rand originally wrote this dystopia sci fi novella back in the late 1930's. This is a required book for sophomores in my district. These books all have fully realized worlds that are revealed through the course of the story. Cookies help us deliver our Services. by NAL. This is exactly what it sounds like. You will love it. It changes setting and style significantly and becomes much more exciting. When dystopian novels - or any science fiction novels - are useful, it's not because they predict the future in any exact way. It reinforces the overall theme that it is this way. It's something I've always wondered about. This one is a fantasy, but like Anathem takes place in a deeply detailed world almost identical to our own. It is really stunning to think of the millions of copies of this book that h. The baby version of Ayn Rand philosophy, heavy handed, unimaginative, and unfortunately assigned to my son for high school reading. Ah dont worry about “understanding it”, the plot itself is really not all that complicated, beyond the neologisms and historical philosophical / scientific in-jokes and references being made. Ironically, they both claim to be about Soviet Russia--or at least the author's experience with such. I own a couple of her books, but I never read any of them until now. It takes place in a post apocalyptic world where humans are essentially extinct and animals are trying to adapt to the new world where humans aren’t there. Every name and strange vocabulary word has a rich meaning that serves a subversive purpose. Any sort of link or text post is welcome as long as it is about printed / text / static SF material. I should say right up front that I'm not at all familiar with Ayn Rand. Plus the back pages are all mathematical diagrams and I nearly shit myself looking at it! I read this in about thirty minutes and it felt like cheating, getting through an Ayn Rand work in that little time! Upvoted for Revelation Space recommendation which I consider very inline with Anathem's qualities that OP listed. Alisa Rosenbaum was born in pre-revolutionary St. Petersburg to a prosperous Jewish family. I can't think of anything exactly like Anathem, but a few things that fit your parameters: Steel Beach or The Ophiuchi Hotline, both by John Varley. One day, Equality-some-number-or-another stumbles across a cave with books in it and discovers the word "I" and immediately realizes what it means even though his cultural and linguistic backgrounds have in no way equipped him to understand but whatever, it's a novella and Rand doesn't have time. I read this in high school when I was reading a lot of dystopian future literature and thought it was by far the worst of the lot. In fact, I think this was one of the books that got me over my habit of forcing myself to read books I wasn’t enjoying. Everyone else is better off skipping it. You're right there. do you think someone will rebel in prometheus' new society? The important bits are explained in context, and much of the book takes place outside of there anyway. The point is that bad things happen when the left or the right gain too much control because we always seem to end up in the same place with the government oppressing individual freedoms. This book could not be more self indulgent if it came with a bottle of Absynthe and a membership to MENSA. And the writing is beautiful. I read it ten years ago but I remember really struggling at first. But stick with it. I am sorry to say Ayn Rand started with a great idea of individualism and ended in the trainwreck of selfish isolation.

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