Having no other option, Gordon sends Barbara in. Rather than this being annoying, fans just end up pitying her and wishing she took time for herself than relying on Jim to make her happy since he is not interested (until their one-night stand). Barbara Kean es la prometida de James Gordon. And she wasn't going to let a dirty old warehouse stop her from wearing something badass. It causes her to make decisions that she otherwise wouldn't do as well as being a direct reason for her losing some of her most beloved friends. 2020© When Theo arrives, she kisses him on the cheek. Trabajó con Ra's al Ghul, tras ser resucitada por éste. They argue until Mr Penn walks in and explains to Penguin that Ed is making fun of him in a clown show in The Narrows. Sorprendentemente cuando su prometido es capturado Falcone los deja marcharse a ambos. Jim Gordon (father)Barbara Kean (mother)Lee Thompkins (step-mother)Peter Gordon (paternal grandfather; deceased)Unnamed (paternal grandmother)Everett Kean (maternal grandfather; deceased)Mrs. Kean (maternal grandmother; deceased) Frank Gordon (paternal great-uncle; deceased) Aunque el personaje de Barbara está (inicialmente) basado en Barbara Gordon, la primera esposa de Jim Gordon, sin embargo, ella tiene muchos atributos similares a. She is and always has been Gotham's Queen of Style. However during the sessions, Barbara tried to damage Leslie and Jim's relationship by lying about him. Although she is a villain, fans still enjoy her screentime and wish her the best, so when she gets excluded from Penguin's meetings and the male members of the League Of Shadows who refuse to bow down to her, you can't help but feel her sadness. He offers Barbara to help her destroy Jim Gordon after he has outlived his usefulness in the plan. Preferencias de cookies. Having obtained the information she needed, Barbara tasers the Lady and her bodyguard and flees with Jim. Later, They kidnap Penguin's friend, Martin, and bring him into their car. Babs wasn't about to let a little jail time stop her snazzy sense of style. While searching for Ed Barbara comes across Selina who has him tied up and is ready to leave, Barbara is surprised that she could do it so fast and they both go to find Tabitha. But Butch became uncomfortable at Barbara's behaviour, which he found both annoying and creepy, and eventually put her out of his mansion. Barbara Kean (o Barbara Eileen, según el escritor) nació en Chicago, Illinois, donde trabajaba como camarera. Peabody. Barbara explains that they got Ed and they could just bring him to Penguin right now. Nevertheless, she is again so driven by jealousy that she forces a quite literal 'shotgun wedding' on herself, Jim and Lee. She tells them that Ra's was bankrolling her but now that he's dead she has no chance of keeping her business alive. Not soon after The Penguin heard the rumors of her survival and plans to open an illegal weapons business, offering her the chance to operate the business so long as she acquires a license under his jurisdiction and pays running fees. Cherry tells them that The Sirens work for Penguin and that they are the problem, Barbara then shoots her in the head and exclaims they just quit working for Penguin and everyone cheers. Tu dirección de correo electrónico no será publicada. At Arkham, she is later faced by Leslie when she guards Nora Fries. Although sensing a trap, Nathaniel Barnes allows Jim to go, though accompanied by the Task Force and Bullock. [17], Eventualmente fue regresada en estado de coma al asilo Arkham donde pasó varios meses al cuidado de la Sra.

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