The Holy Spirit will bring all truth. tons of explanations and side notes. Wake up. Please remember that Jesus told us the greatest commandment and that is to “Love” one another. ITS ALL ABOUT JESUS CHRIST. Some things to think about and consider when the Bible talks about the “Brothers” of Jesus: Mary wife of Cleophas and “sister” of the Virgin Mary (Jn 19:25) is the mother of James and Joset (Mk 15:47; Mt 27:56) who are called the “brothers of Jesus” (Mk 6:3). 33 times in 1st, 3nd and 3rd John, John says you can know! If you want the truth I would recommend the Jerusalem Bible. Catholic Bible vs King James. This King James changed the original to accomodate his urge to divorce. Cite Don’t be fooled. In this article we will answer this question and help you know everything you need to know about the Catholic bible vs King James bible. god bless craig taylor, @Kim 20dec17: Your appeal to study is admirable: however you do not seem to have got as far as you might. products in the sense that these people were borned out of protest to the teaching of the,throughout the years since they had protested the church, they have never realized that they are growing not just in number of members but more so of other protestant sects.. do you think that is the will of god for us to be divided in faith? People need ro hear the truth. And I think confession is weird too because to me it is almost going backwards where sacrifices were given and the priest of the old testament did the prayers and asked for God to forgive his people. And as many adolescents do, I strayed and sought the things if man and the world for s season. A Jewish calendar of today or a Georgian calendar will not ever match to the oldest ones found. God bless. For KJB New Testament, the translators used the Greek editions. We do not pray to Mary as another God. It should be noted, however, that the editors of the King James Version were instructed by King James I of England to make sure that the translation was in harmony with the theology of the Church of England. At the dawn of the 17th century, the making of the King James Bible version was initiated by the English King James the First. Michael. Catholics are the opposite of Christians, because they don’t believe in everything Yeshua taught, they believe his laws and commands weren’t good enough and needed changed. Please feel free to call us at 1-800-MY FAITH (693-2484) or email us with any further questions on this or any other subject. Christ by the Holy Spirit announced Saul/ Paul to the gentiles and the to the Jews.). So Protestants and Catholics continue to argue and become angered with one another…not a lot has changed since Martin Luther first broke away from what was at that time the mainstream Christian Church or the Catholic Church. 1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. So Him alone enables us to be loving, not judgmental, tolerant, not offending anyone-Jew, or Gentile. The Catholic Bible has changed and deleted parts of the the 4th Commandment. God commanded that his Sabbath remain “perpetual” for all of eternity. But other versions are also helpful. The title and study notes were inspired by the Midwest Theological Forum’s Didache series of religious education textbooks, and are very often based on the Catechism of the Catholic Church. Everybody love this guy, his incredible love for the Lord. A typical Protestant response. Plus with the changing of calendars through the ages, day names would have been moved around, so would god just like the name Friday, or would it be a actual day marked but now lost, or is it just arbitrary!? Based on the findings of the Dead See Scrolls, the King James Version is the one that matched most accurately…99% accuracy. Then we started attending Church on Sundays there. Unless I am mistaken in my history, the Anglican Church had broken away from the Catholic Church before the King James Version was printed because Henry could not get the divorce he wanted from the Catholic Church. This is not hard since there are a lot of bibles that are easily accessible for everybody today. You should research more before you post things like “Catholics are not Christians and Christians are not Catholic.” The fact is that Christianity is Catholic, it is indeed universal, it is inclusive, and it is broad. However, the Catholic bible contains 73 books as it contains an additional 7 books in the Old Testament. (Even though we are more connected to Christians around the world, it seems that we are further apart. I am an ex-catholic now saved by Jesus Christ. There are some dirty protestant pedophile priests walking around so why call a Catholic priest a pedophile? He preached in a synagogue, trying to get them to recognize that he was the Messiah. The difference between Catholic Bible and King James Bible is one interesting, as well as important, topic one comes across when looking at bibles.The Holy Word every Christian should know about is found in the Bible. Our Church accepted them as universal which means all catholic churches no matter where they were would accept these books as part of our faith. And pray where you are. Would you be kind enough to elucidate the correct translation of Luke 2: 14 and why the KJV is wrong? And let Him have the honor of saving you, all by Himself. It’s endless and changeless in essence. It is considered that every individual who follows the Christian faith should have access to the Bible. So he really did something the original (Catholic) bible says “to not take out” of holy scriptures…. I was a believer and had accepted Christ as my savior, confessed my sins and asked forgiveness for them. Remember who said “I am the way?” It was Jesus. God sees only our hearts. If Catholicism is not Christian, then why is the King James Bible a TRANSLATION of the Catholic Bible? Yes right on it. A one for one. Please get yourself a King James Version of the bible. 1,2 and 3rd John were written to refute Knostisim. Example: Paul was NEVER an Apostle of Christ (only he, himself, proclaimed himself to be an Apostle). I would encourage anyone who is Catholic to not led pride step in front of your salvation. Jesus is weeping and Satan is living his best life. There is but one original Church, that one founded by the Apostle Peter at the direction of Jesus Christ, known as the Catholic Church, following the crucifixion of Christ. She did not have anymore kids, Mary was a virgin when she carried Jesus…after that she had more children with Joseph..I know he had at least a brother.Im ashamed I don’t remember his name right now. I’d highly recommend asking for information on RCIA as well while you are there. Try to cover up the hundreds of thousands that we fed to the lions! Do Catholics not read scripture? Matthew 28…Go, Baptize and Trach them about Jesus. It is supposed to all be about God! It was the other Christian religions that have modified and removed books. Light and love from our Lord Jesus Christ. They knew neither New Testament Koine Greek or Old Testament Hebrew, but they could translate the Catholic Bible’s Latin Vulgate version text into Middle English. The additional 7 books in the Old Testament is the main difference that individuals will notice when they discuss King James vs the Catholic Bible, however, there are a few other differences that are worth pointing out. I strongly urge you to avoid going back as it is a false “Christian” religion. (Which is a strange thing to say, if he’s already a Priest.). i applauded all who criticized the catholic teachings, because i am certain all of them do not really knew or even studied about its teachings and doctrines. The Catholic Bible stands out in the crowd of the Holy Scriptures variations because it is the only bible that has added books from the Old Testament. Educate yourself. My mother gave me the choice to go to public school after that. He’s coming soon and its just round the corner be ready guys n remember love each other God bless you all. Compare just these three note well lets differences, start with Matthew 24:36 the NIV adds “not the son” Collossians 1:14 deletes “through the blood” and in Hebrews 7:21 ” after the order of Mechizedech” is removed, look these up in NIV compare them to KJV. The Didache Study Bible is offered in the RSV as well as the NABRE. Agnostics are not also. The Canon (table of contents- not a part of the Bible) was decided under Pope Damasus I in The Council of Rome in 382 AD, continued at the Council of Hippo in 393 AD, and confirmed at the Council of Carthage in 397 AD BY St Augustine, which the OT AND NT WERE CONFIRMED AS THE INSPIRED WORD OF GOD! I encourage everyone to permeate love to everyone, I won’t use the word tolerance because I think that implies accepting something that is wrong when in fact it should be accepting and trying to understand something different. Robert Heath, has anyone sent you a Bible yet? The difference between Catholic Bible and King James Bible is one interesting, as well as important, topic one comes across when looking at bibles. 13* For you heard of my former way of life in Judaism, how I persecuted the church of God beyond measure and tried to destroy it. Please find a strong bible teaching, teaching ministry that focuses on teaching the exegetical word of God, so that you grow in the knowledge of Jesus Christ instead of a church’s doctrine.

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