You start from the situation where you want to run your macro, press Ctrl+Shift+dot once, then perform all necessary actions to compile the program (avoid typing filename, for example, as it may be different in different times), then press Ctrl+Shift+dot once again. As far as I understand, Vundle and Neobundle's BundleInstall commands install the latest version at the time of installation unless you use revision locks (where you store your desired version in your vimrc). How can I get output to console like codeblocks consolse? All you need to install it is a piece of code that you stick in your .vimrc file. Quality content is what always gets the visitors coming. I'd also recommend checking "Del removes blocks" (otherwise Del will remove just one character and not the selection), How can I select a block to delete? mr and vcsh are really worth a look if you haven't used it so far. QAQ. I know this is a little late but I can't seem to locate this in the English documentation. I keep my .vim/ in a repo. To be able to have this vertical tab persistent, that is, in the "foreground" of all tabs, and allow me open a file into a new tab. I'm curious if there is a manager so good it's worth switching from pathogen? This makes automatically lazy loading without difficult configurations. Once Far Manager is inside ConEmu tab you can scroll console output by switching to so called alternative mode. I think I might have to give that a go, but if it is anything like Vim I know the learning curve will be steep. Or, if those don't satisfy, try one of these Emacs/Vim alternatives. Far Manager is a program for managing files and archives in Windows operating systems. If you talk about file associations, use special symbols (press F1 in the "Edit file association" window to get help — English is available as well). The lead developer I have been pairing with this week is an emacs wizard. Enable autoindent feature in the editor settings. I'm a vim guy too - but using vi-mode in bash just never works completely right. Now, which one is the best for you is yours to find out. press ctrl + o on windows to switch to cmd view. Sublime Text Additionally, I'm not really a plugin freak so… all in all, I just don't have a need for a "plugin manager". I see. Until then :wq! I like that. Another one to take a look at is neobundle. Thank you for this useful article. :D. Kate is a main editor (for code, samples, etc) and vim is used when I need to create or fix some file which is not opened in Kate (or if I don't want to switch windows). Vundle automates the git calls so you don't have to deal with the submodules yourself (or know anything about git at all, for that matter). yes, I set it at file panes, what's the correct way to set it? You will probably get something like Escape; Enter — exit the editor, then compile the file (via file associations). я уже не помню, смотрел давно... поищи тут. Can someone tell me good place to understand Trie data structure? Far Manager combined with ConEmu console application, and the shell application Clink together deliver a wonderful experience in doing your daily jobs and tasks. There are plugins available like vim-ruby for Ruby Scripting and vim-rails for Ruby on Rails web development. If anything goes wrong, we just press Enter at the template.vcproj file and Visual Studio opens, ready to debug our code, written in Far. Far Manager is essentially a Windows console Swiss Army Knife. Thanks for the link. 3:48. they're used to log you in. I'm a programmer, a pretty advanced vim user (I write my own plugins), and very comfortable in git, so I'm very happy with pathogen. I'd recommend checking "Auto indent" and adjusting "Tab size". “ipconfig /all | clip” can be useful sometimes too. I didn't restart computer, but Far Manager still doesn't recognize g++ option. I had the same problem. This is a Vim Emulation layer for Visual Studio 2015 and above. Looks like you can press Ctrl+Alt+Insert to copy full path of the selected file into clipboard. Rumors there are, FAR is now available for Linux. Can you compare this program with Vim/gVim. But that’s not all. Also, how do i use the command line mode to type commands? simple and your first stop when researching for a new service to help you grow your business. When I use far as IDE for olympiads, i used gdb as debugger. How would you accommodate for different file names? Being able to find bugs while reading the code is very useful in ACM-like contests. FAR Manager Software Video Review by - Duration: 3:48. softwareslant 17,772 views. I've been using pathogen since I started managing my plugins (git tells me it was June 5, 2012), and haven't felt like anything was lacking. Far Manager is a very powerful windows tools that help manage files and has a wonderful plugin capabilities to run over file system. Additionally, how would you delete the entire line the cursor is at? for example, I set ctrl + F9 equals "g++ !.cpp -o !.exe -ggdb -DDEBUG -std=c++11 -O2 -Wl,--stack=256000000 -Wall -Wextra -Wshadow", when I was editing A.cpp, I ran ctrl + F9, but nothing happened, why? Case in point, I have only a few plugins (15 or so, most of them either dormant or dead, all of them very stable) that I "manage" manually: every few months I take a look at the 3 or 4 plugins that could be udated and, if there's an update, read the changelog before downloading it and installing it. One of the strongest features of Far Manager is the ability to start any program or script from command prompt. Personally, I've been using VAM. The question is not "Is there a better plugin manager than pathogen? When I clone a new config, I get the same versions for each plugin that I have on my main machine and not the latest version (which sometimes have bugs, incompatibilities with other plugins, changes in functionality, or other surprises that I don't want to deal with when setting up a new machine). Has anybody solved this issue? vim + Kate? What's the meaning of [x] before the setting operations? ConEmu is a great feature, thank you for advice! The most useful is ! For Vim enthusiasts and anyone interested in Vim. Warm hello from snowy Russia. Far Manager is a program for managing files and archives in Windows operating systems. It’s the very advice I was looking for. I'd recommend checking "Auto indent" and adjusting "Tab size". How do you find the absolute path of a file in far manager and push it to the clipboard? I haven't tried it on Windows but I thing there is a version for it. imperfections comparing with Far, or may be it's just matter of your habits.

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