User Ratings Good Night, and Good Luck is such a film. Now, ordinarily--I would not take time out from the important work at hand to answer Murrow. If what I have to say is responsible, then I alone am responsible for the saying of it. Many have criticized it for being too documentary-like but I feel that it has instead worked towards its benefit because documentaries enlighten viewers of the truth. Clooney deserves a pat on the back for taking such a risky subject and making a remarkable film of it. Photographed in stark black and white and infused with a real 1950s feel, George Clooney's sharp homage to one of the greatest journalists America's ever known is utterly captivating and discomfiting. He wants us to see that the same issues are in our lives today, (Clooney has had his own battles with would-be modern McCarthys like Bill O'Reilly), but he isn't going to force the issue. Since all of the characters are part of the Overall Story, none of them change. There's no news, boys, so go out there and make some news. It puts forward a message. He was right!! Because if they are right, and this instrument is good for nothing but to entertain, amuse, and insulate, then the tube is flickering now and we will soon see that the whole struggle is lost. He insisted that a fight for America's soul, a clash of values over intellectual issues like freedom of the press, had an intensity that would carry everything before it, and it does. However, in this case, I feel justified in doing so because Murrow is a symbol,a leader and the cleverest of the jackal pack which is always found at the throat of anyone who dares to expose individual Communists and traitors. You have worked incredibly hard. Clooney has impressed me hugely with his ability to keep this great ensemble cast (including himself, not as the "star") on pace. "Good night, and good luck." I love this industry, good night, and good luck. "Good Night, and Good Luck" couldn't be more unlikely, more unfashionable or more compelling. In der Schweiz lief der Film am 12. If one judges a film by its ability to literally transport the viewer to another time and place, this film succeeds. Good luck! April 2006 in Deutschland (dort deutsche Synchronfassung). | David Straitharn (Murrow) was on hand to introduce the film, and he commented that journalists in the U.S. covet "the Edward R. Murrow Award." | All of these things -- All of these things you know. McCarthy’s support waned after Murrow’s broadcast. All you need to do is make it good-looking and keep it honest. But it can do so only to the extent that humans are determined to use it to those ends. [ informal , formulae ] He kissed her on the cheek. Parents Guide, Robert Elswit - Filmes para apreciar fotografia. 49. I heard about McCarthyism when I was in high school or was it middle school? There's a Knickerbocker game tonight, I've got front row seats. It's simply saying, as Murrow says in the film, we have to find a way to find a safe place between the protection of the individual and the protection of the state at the same time. Good luck! The plot revolves around the cold war, and Senator Joseph McCarthy. | However, their actions took a great personal toll on both men, but they stood by their convictions and helped to bring down one of the most controversial senators in American history. Once you realize this differentiation, you'll become Confident, and will earn the respect from society.

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