Hungerspiele aus den noch lebenden Siegern ausgelost werden. Self-deprecating and charming, raw and honest, she’s the fighter in all of us. Katniss, meanwhile, has feelings for both Gale and Peeta, but because of the complexity of her life, she doesn’t want to be with anyone. Katniss sings the Meadow Song to her two children, and many times throughout the series. During their training, Katniss refused to trust Peeta when he did nice things for her, believing it to be part of his strategy. Katniss and the Covey even share two key locations, the Seam and the lake. Suggestions Use up and down arrows to review and enter to select. Thankfully, Katniss has Prim. Ihre Jagdausflüge unternimmt sie gemeinsam mit dem ein Jahr älteren Gale Hawthorne, dessen Vater bei demselben Unglück starb wie Katniss'. Along with that, she was the last person who got to show their skills. While examining her old room, she finds a white rose that was left by President Snow as a sign meaning that he was watching her, possibly right then. Peeta ended up in a brief alliance with the Career Tributes, while Katniss teamed up with Rue, the small tribute from District 11. She could draw an arrow and strike several targets with a good amount of speed and flexibility. Since Cinna, Haymitch, and Portia worked so hard to play up the romance from the start, Katniss tries to pretend to be fully in love with him. This makes her hand bleed. McFarland & Company, inc. Publishers Jefferson North Carolina, 2012. In Catching Fire, Katniss is back in District 12 living in the Victors' Village with her mother, Prim, and Buttercup, and neighbors Peeta and Haymitch. In order to be resourceful, Katniss made their rations last as long as possible. Her best friend and hunting partner is Gale, and, while they spend a great deal of time together, Katniss is sure that she doesn't see him in a romantic light, something that comes into deep question when she is District 12's Hunger Games tribute and must work hard to maintain a star-crossed-lovers façade with Peeta Mellark. Their fathers had been killed in the same accident and they both provided for their families. Due to this, she was almost always in disagreement with authority figures and liked to use her own resources when it came to survival (the instincts of a true survivor). She fires an arrow into his neck and he dies. As a result, Katniss essentially took over as head of the family, who would have starved without her hunting and signing up for tesserae rations. Age Unable to stir her mother from her bed, Katniss became the head and primary breadwinner of the family. She wore a black unitard representing coal and lit them with synthetic fire that doesn't burn but can be quenched by a solution made to counter it. Katniss teaches them the essentials of surviving in a forest and gives them food to eat. Katniss and Peeta are still haunted by the memories of the Games, but find ways to carry on living and cope with their trauma, living in peace with their children. in: Mary F. Pharr, Leisa A. Clark (Hrsg. Rue and Katniss share a laugh while bonding in the arena. Hunger Games – Liebe, Macht und Überleben., übersetzt von Ursula Bischoff. She passes a room and hears Plutarch talking to Finnick and Haymitch about getting someone out of District 4. Madeline Matsumoto-Duyan is a writer and lifelong fanatic from Southern California. Later, on the beach, Peeta tells Katniss that he wants her to live, as she has a family that she loves and needs, and can have a future with Gale, giving her his locket which contains a picture of Prim, her mother, and Gale. She’s now a target of the Capitol, and to make sure she doesn’t act out and spark an uprising, the Capitol threatens to harm or kill Gale and possibly her family if she defies it in any way. Collecting nightlock (poisonous berries), she instructs Peeta to eat a handful of berries with her once she reaches the count of three in a double suicide. In the woods, Katniss meets Gale Hawthorne, an older boy whose father died in the same mining accident that killed her father. Katniss meldet sich anstelle ihrer Schwester freiwillig für die Teilnahme an den 74. He tells Katniss that he can't bet on any tributes due to his part in the preparation of the Games, but if he could, he would bet on her. During the final fight between Katniss, Peeta, and Cato (the male tribute from District 2) Cato was mortally wounded by muttations. Katniss then realizes she does care for Effie. Katniss first met Finnick at the opening ceremonies for the Quarter Quell while waiting for the chariots to leave Finnick approaches Katniss and offers her sugar. Katniss has an instinct to protect those who are weak such as Rue, Wiress, and her prep team. Katniss had her hunting jacked and bow and arrows given by her father. When Katniss was twelve, she met Gale Hawthorne in the woods. Johanna, knowing that Katniss is indebted to her, begins to siphon off Katniss's morphling supply. Rue begged Katniss to win for her, and then asked her to sing as she died. As a result, there is constant tension among all of them. He later gives her a pearl, jokingly referencing a comment that Effie once made to both of their amusement. In the final film, her subtitle reads "Panem Unite.". Haymitch and Katniss both get drunk after the reading of the card, which result in Peeta dumping all the alcohol down the drain. Dies liege daran, dass mit Katniss eine führungsstarke und zugleich soziale Frau im Mittelpunkt stehe: Sie gebe nicht nur in schwierigen Situationen eine Richtung vor, sondern setze auch ihr Leben für Schwächere ein und zeige moralische Stärke. It is implied that Peeta burnt the bread specifically so he could give it to Katniss to save her life. Thresh also took Cato's backpack, as it would force Cato to chase him instead of Katniss, allowing her to escape. Later, this is seen as an act of defiance to the Capitol. In her victor's house, there is a phone which had no use before she started to chat with Cinna about her talent. The two received many stings, which resulted in death. Afterwards, bombs placed in supply packages kill many of these children and a rebel medical team, including Katniss' sister, Prim. Occupation Amanda Firestone: Apples to Oranges. Previous Katniss teaches Madge how to shoot arrows while Madge plays piano in return. Later, they meet Johanna Mason, whom Finnick runs to, and they hug. To appease the Capitol, she has to act at all times as though she’s in love with Peeta, because doing so allows the Capitol to pretend her act at the end of the Hunger Games wasn’t a rebellion but a desperate attempt for her to save someone she loves. She tried to look in the garbage bins of the houses in the town square but was rebuked by the baker's wife for snooping. She is often quiet and is generally liked by District 12's residents, mostly because of her ability to provide highly-prized game for a community in which starvation is a … Gale received forty lashes until Katniss showed up and he passed out at around thirty. Katniss felt bad she could not say goodbye and told Haymitch to tell her that she said goodbye. Nach Meinung von Martha Rainbolt steht im Zentrum des ersten Bandes der Romantrilogie das sich entwickelnde moralische Bewusstsein von Katniss, während der politische Konflikt als zweitrangig erscheint. At the reaping of the 75th Hunger Games, Effie is seen crying for Katniss and Peeta when they are reaped, showing how much she cares for them. Weapon Katniss is shocked when Effie arrived before Snow's trial because she had been on the rebellion side. Katniss continues to think of Rue and involves her in the book of people she cared about who were killed because of the Capitol. Brutal. Um die Geschichte vom tragischen Liebespaar weiter anzuheizen, verkünden die Spielmacher eine Regeländerung: Während bisher immer nur ein Tribut gewinnen konnte, soll es diesmal ein Siegerpaar geben können, wenn beide Tribute aus einem Distrikt stammen. Effie was thrilled when she survived the first Games. In Mockingjay Katniss receives a bow and arrows from Beetee. Out of vengeance over the unjustified death of an innocent girl, Katniss surrounds Rue's corpse with bright flowers and departs with one last gesture; the District 12 signal that shows respect and farewell. Jahrhunderts zu bewegen. When Mrs. Everdeen arrives and is not with Prim, Katniss deduces that she went back for Buttercup. The mortal traps, enemies, and moral choices that await Katniss will challenge her more than any arena she faced in The Hunger Games. During the meeting held by President Coin for the announcement of her role and conditions, Katniss sees Finnick distracted and in grief. To make Rue an example, Katniss picks white flowers and decorates Rue's body with them, hiding the wound and weaving them into her hair. [44]:136 Durch ihr verändertes Aussehen wird Katniss nun auf eine für sie neue Weise wahrgenommen, was dazu führt, dass sie sich schön, mächtig, anders als die Masse erlebt. Katniss is slender with black hair, grey eyes and olive skin. The victors from districts 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, and 11 had varying degrees of knowledge about it. Her mother is a healer, the daughter of the town Apothecary owners. Hungerspiele gewinnt die Musik für die Protagonistin an Bedeutung. So Katniss is forced to choose between two terrible alternatives – kill or be killed. She sobs into his shirt, crying about Peeta and the rebellion while he holds her, saying that he understands just before she is knocked out. Katniss beschließt unter dem drohenden Risiko des Todes, nun nach ihren Vorstellungen zu leben.[43]:42. Katniss then covered Rue's body with flowers and gives the farewell symbol to District 11. She reminded Katniss of Prim, who was also small and fragile. The next morning, she is awoken by a forest fire created by the Gamemakers, including fireballs that are flung at her. During the Hunger Games, she wore a hooded black jacket that fell down to her thighs and reflects body heat, tawny trousers, sturdy brown belt, and a green button-up shirt. She finds that Buttercup (Prim's cat) somehow survived the destruction of District 12. Sie ist geradeheraus und sachlich, reagiert aber auch unüberlegt:[15] „Es geht jetzt alles so schnell, dass ich nicht mehr mitkomme. Often, she will react first and ask questions later. Okay, maybe I don't go around loving everybody I meet, maybe my smiles are hard to come by, but I do care for some people." Katniss übernimmt die Aufgabe, im Auftrag der Regierung von Distrikt 13 und seiner Präsidentin Alma Coin als „Gesicht des Aufstands“ die Distrikte gegen das Kapitol zu einen. Am Ende gesteht Katniss Peeta, sie habe ihre Zuneigung in der Arena nur vorgetäuscht, um die Sympathie des Publikums zu erhalten, woraufhin Peeta sich verletzt von ihr distanziert.

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