This move at (2,2) is not valid. * The main class for the Tic-Tac-Toe (Console-OO, non-graphics version) Can have more and pick one in random. But choosing this simple playing strategy allows you to focus on other aspects of the programming, such as how to internally represent the grid and how to determine when a player has won the game or when the game has ended in a draw. The program ends when the game is won by either player or the game is a draw. In our case, we can define an enumeration called GameState as follows: You can create an instance for an enum (just like creating an instance of a class) and assign a value into it. A much more efficient method for matching with a winning pattern in a Tic-tac-toe is to use a 9-bit binary number (stored as an int or short type) to denote the placement of the seeds, and use bit operations to perform the matching. It was not written by me and I do not take credit for it. */, /** Update the currentState after the player with "theSeed" has moved */. Try again... /** It is a small example of what java can do. // Otherwise, no change to current state (PLAYING). After the human enters a move, the program should display the current status of the board on the console. You’ll need to make just a few modifications to the code to make it work, but those changes are key to understanding how a Swing application can be run as an applet. Modify the above Tic-Tac-Toe (""): You could wiki "Sudoku" to understand the rules of the game. Improve display (e.g., images and animation). Pre-JDK 1.7 does not support binary literals but supports hexadecimal literals beginning with prefix "0x". * in the non-OO version. Use vertical bar characters (found on the keyboard with the backslash character, just above the Enter key) and hyphens to draw the board in a simple grid. In this initial design, we do not separate the cell and board into dedicated classes, but include them in the main class. This applet was taken directly from the Java Developers Kit. In our earlier version, we used int named-constants to represent the various game states, as follows: This approach of using int named-constants is better than using number in the programming statements, but it is not ideal. You can simply use a 9x9 JTextFields arranged in a 9x9 GridLayout - the GUI codes is simple! // Otherwise, no change to currentState (still PLAYING). Finally, let's write a main class called GameMain to pull all the pieces together. (Google to find some interesting "wav" files.). Then, use the following tag with an "archive" attribute to specify the JAR filename: Two sound clips were used in the demo: one for the move ("move.wav") and the other for game-over ("gameover.wav"). A Cell can paint() itself and has its own operations such as clear(). // containing (EMPTY, CROSS, NOUGHT), // (PLAYING, DRAW, CROSS_WON, NOUGHT_WON), /** The entry main method (the program starts here) */, // Initialize the game-board and current status, /** Initialize the game-board contents and the current states */, /** Player with the "theSeed" makes one move, with input validation. // Play the game once. Hence, try 0b... but fall back to 0x... if compilation fails. Doug has written more than 30 For Dummies computer guides. e.printStackTrace(); Here are the rules and instructions for this challenge: The computer plays against the human. The Board class composes of nine Cell instances, arranged in an 3×3 array called cells (with package access), of the type Cell[][]. Read "Drawing Images" of "Custom Graphics". (rowSelected, colSelected) */, /** Doug has written more than 30 For Dummies computer guides. Wiki "Othello" or "Reversi" to understand the rules of the game. JDK 1.5 introduces a new feature called enumeration, which is a special class for storing an enumeration (list) of items. Update global variables "currentRow" and "currentCol". Next, let's design the OO classes needed for our Tic-Tac-Toe game. (currentRow, currentCol) */, /** Print a cell with the specified "content" */, // Named-constants to represent the various states of the game, // Assigned to a name, which is easier to read and understand, */, /** Update the "currentState" after the player with "theSeed" has placed on */, // composes of 2D array of ROWS-by-COLS Cell instances, /** Initialize (or re-initialize) the game board */, /** Return true if the player with "seed" has won after placing at Improve your display (e.g., using images, animation etc). AudioInputStream audioIn = AudioSystem.getAudioInputStream(url); // Allocate a sound clip, used by Java internal. Simply run the class containing the entry main() method. The human and computer players can play in only those squares that are not already occupied by either player. The organization in OO enables you to design and develop complex system. We shall declare the variables currentPlayer and content as instances of enum Seed. To write a Connect-Four game, let's start from Tic-Tac-Toe's "Graphics Version". For the basic version with 10x10 cells, construct a 10x10 JButton array and arranged in GridLayout. Sudoku's graphics does not involve custom drawing (such as drawing lines or circles). Similar to Sudoku, the graphics for Mine Sweeper does not involve custom drawings. For example: To designate the squares of the grid, use the letters A, B, and C for the columns and the numerals 1, 2, and 3 for the rows, like this: Thus, to place an X in the top-left square, the human player would enter the text A1 when the program prompts the player for a move. Java Programming Challenge: A Simple Tic-Tac-Toe Game, Java Programming Challenge: Recursing the Towers of Hanoi, Java Programming Challenge: Creating a Simple Turing Machine, Java Programming Challenge: Adding Class to the Simple Tic-Tac-Toe Program, Java Programming Challenge: Adding Arrays to the Simple Tic-Tac-Toe Program. For example, suppose rowSelect = 2 and colSelected = 0, then bitPosition = 6. In other words, you could use WinZIP/WinRAR to open and extract the contents of a JAR file. Each class shall maintain its own attributes and operations (variables and methods), and it can paint itself in a graphics program. * All variables/methods are declared as static (belong to the class) Wiki "Connect-4" to understand the rules of the game. We shall now declare the variable currentState as an instance of GameState, which can take the value of GameState.PLAYING, GameState.DRAW, GameState.CROSS_WON, and GameState.NOUGHT_WON. Doug Lowe began writing computer books before Java was invented. A player wins if any of the following combinations of squares are either 1 (for X) or 2 (for O): There are two ways to determine whether the game is a draw. You could use the event.getSource() method to retrieve the source object that has fired the event and compare with all the 9×9 JTextFields: Triggering JTextField's ActionEvent involves hitting the "enter" key. */. The content-pane (of the top-level container JFrame) is set to BorderLayout. Then two players alternate turns by marking Xs and Os in empty spaces on the grid. Tidy up the display (using black and white discs, instead of cross and nought). You’ll need to make just a few modifications to the code to make it work, but those changes are key to understanding how a Swing application can be run as an applet. Note that you are free to use any method you wish to determine how the computer should make its moves. */, // Name-constants for the various dimensions used for graphics drawing, /** Constructor to setup the UI and game components */, /** Initialize the game-board contents and the current-state */, /** Update the currentState after the player with "theSeed" has placed on (row, col) */. Initialize the game by reading in an input puzzle with blank cells, and populate the. Hence, instead of listening to the ActionEvent, you shall listen to the MouseEvent with mouse-clicked handler so as to response to the left-click and right-click. Improve the game, e.g., difficulty level (easy, medium, hard), hints and cheats, etc. Since ActionEvent is not used, you probably can use 10x10 JLabel instead of JButton, as JLabel can also trigger mouse-event. (This is the most difficult part of this programming challenge.). */, // Name-constants to represent the seeds and cell contents, // Name-constants to represent the various states of the game, // game board in 2D array To designate the squares of the grid, use the letters A, B, and C for the columns and the numerals 1, … *; /** * A TicTacToe applet. Add more features. Use X to mark the human’s plays and O to mark the computer’s plays. */, // content of this cell of type Seed. Tic-Tac-Toe is a very common game that is fairly easy to play.

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