Analysis: This is a message circulating with the picture of a monster size snake named Titanoboa, claiming it as the largest snake ever discovered. By using this site, you agree to the Terms of Use Privacy Policy. Most likely, it sneaked up on its prey and with one quick strike, bit them in the jugular. A proximité immédiate des ossements des serpents se trouvaient ce qui semble être les restes de leurs derniers repas, constituées de tortues géantes et de crocodiles. It is the largest species of snake that ever lived. The fossil was found in an open-cast coal mine in Colombia, in 2009. The untrained student didn’t know what to expect. However, some years ago they had also been found in other parts of South America, especially the ancient tropical forests. Your email address will not be published. The fossil was found in an open-cast coal mine in Colombia, in 2009. The Titanoboa lived in the Palaeogene Period and it is called the Titanoboa because of its size and it is short for titanic boa. Il suffirait donc de dénicher dans la forêt amazonienne un spécimen nettement plus grand (le record officiel est de 10 mètres) pour que l'on doive revoir à la baisse la température au Paléocène... Merci pour votre inscription.Heureux de vous compter parmi nos lecteurs ! The Titanoboa is the biggest snake in the world! due to its large size, the snake spent most of its terrestrial times slithering around trees. Titanoboa used to crawl the Earth around 58 million years ago, just after the fall of dinosaurs. The presence of rivers like Amazon and Magdalena rivers in South America further strengthens this theory. Interestingly, the Titanoboa lived in the Cerrejon Formation of Columbia in South America. Since the fossils were found scattered in the Colombian mines of Cerrejon, it was assumed that they used to roam those lands. Around two decades ago, a Colombian geologist found an unfamiliar fossil. North Pole has twisted tale of its discovery! Around four years ago, it gave out one such important fossil from its treasure – Titanoboa. Au nord-est de la Colombie, Cerrejón, la plus grande mine de charbon à ciel ouvert du monde, a livré une flore fossile intéressante. The Titanoboa is the biggest snake in the world! Some content of the original page may have been edited to make it more suitable for younger readers, unless otherwise noted. The discovery of Titanoboa was accidental. The snake was dull in color. Titanoboa cerrejonensis is the largest known snake. It ate crocodiles.. Un crocodile géant baptisé Lemmy en hommage au leader de Motörhead, Enquête sur la disparition des dinosaures, Cerrejonisuchus, un mini-crocodile pour le déjeuner du titanoboa, En vidéo : le plus grand poisson du monde surpris par des paparazzi, Carbonemys cofrinii, une nouvelle tortue géante fossilisée en Colombie, Découverte du plus petit serpent au monde, Le plus grand iceberg du monde s'est brisé, Titanosaure : le plus grand dinosaure du monde s’expose en time-laspe, Lire la suite : La pub "verte" désormais sous l'œil des consommateurs, Charte de protection des données personnelles. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. He kept it with him but forgot about it. Record absolu : un reptile marin de 15 mètres. One of the most interesting facts about Titanoboa is that while it looked quite a bit like a modern-day anaconda, it most likely didnt hunt like one. It is the largest open coal pit in Colombia which inculpates of everything from pollution to evictions and human rights abuses. Nonetheless, most paleontologists opine thatthis monstrous serpent behaved more like today’s green anacondas and wouldspend most of the day in water in order tosupport their enormous size. The fossil was found in an open-cast coal mine in Colombia, in 2009. Now extinct, the snake was a relative of the anaconda and the boa constrictor.It was about 43 feet long (13 m), and weighed over a ton (about 1135 kg or 2,500 pounds). all men must leave their homesteads; Titanoboa was a real monster among prehistoric snakes. It was about 43 feet long (13 m), and weighed over a ton (about 1135 kg or 2,500 pounds). A group of paleontologists working in the Cerrejón formation in Colombia found as many as three well-preserved titanoboa’s skulls. We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish. Titanoboa had so remarkable parallels with that of Norse mythology and the final battle of the God of Thunder, Thor with a giant serpent. Copyright © 2018 All rights reserved By The Fact Research. Life and evolution on this planet never disappointed with monotony and found something new, something more baffling, and probably found new ways to surprise us. Titanoboawas the largest known snake. The huge snake was a carnivore (which means that it would eat meat and kept leaves, stems and crops out of its diet). LIKE WHAT YOU'RE READING?subscribe to our top stories. Titanoboa cerrejonensis is the largest known snake. This page was last modified on 17 October 2020, at 16:19. A titre de comparaison, les plus grands serpents actuels, les anacondas, ne dépassent pas 7 mètres. The snake lived in the Palaeocene epoch, about 58 million years ago.. Ses découvreurs, notamment Jason Head (Department of Biology, université de Toronto, Mississauga, Ontario, Canada) et Jonathan Bloch (Florida Museum of Natural History, université de Floride, Etats-Unis), l'ont baptisé Titanoboa cerrejonensis, le titanesque boa de Cerrejón. It was about 42 feet long (12.8 m), and weighed over a ton(about 1135 kg or 2500 pounds). Cité par le magazine en ligne de Nature, le biologiste Harry Greene (université de Cornell) fait remarquer que l'évaluation de la température à partir de la taille de ce titanoboa s'appuie sur une longueur maximale des anacondas actuels de 7 mètres environ. Titanoboa probably didnt do that. Jack the Ripper – the most mysterious serial killer in the history. Your email address will not be published. The snake lived in the Palaeocene epoch, about 58 million years ago. On the extraordinary, weird, strange, entertaining, facts-oriented and almost everything in between. It is roughly 13 meters long ( 42.7 feet ) and weighs 1,135 kg (1.25 tonnes ).

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