Used for adding/viewing quotes from the streamer. Nightbot is now a moderator on your channel. Adding your own commands is one of the best features of Nightbot, these can range from incredibly simple to heavily complicated. $(touser) $(eval const responses = [‘is NOT a bot!’, ‘is a bot!’]; responses[Math.floor(Math.random() * responses.length)];), !christmas*Needs to be adjusted every year. This command will display the name of the current game being played on stream. Before trying to add commands, make sure Nightbot is paired to your channel at Channels: Friendlybaron, Lists out all the BTTV emotes and FrankerFaceZ emotes. This command will post a link to view all song requests. For example, if you wanted to create a command names “hello” that just says “Hello Chat!” you would type, “!commands add !hello Hello Chat”. It costs 30 Honkos to add a quote, and when a quote is used specifically, its creator receives 10 Honkos (up to once every 30 minutes). This command is used to create a custom command. It’s not real, but it makes $(user) feel better. !bet reopen Channels: Friendlybaron, Serenniel, Proxy command: !q Channels: Friendlybaron. caps – Prevents chatters from posting in all or mostly capitalizes messages. Did I start a regular creative stream now? | Yes | No Nightbot has 33 Default Commands. Now when a user types the “!age” command Nightbot will respond with 28. Creates a twitch clip of the past 60 seconds with a given title instead of having to use the janky clip editor. /me $(touser) is like $(urlfetch SUS…, Stream uptime: $(twitch $(channel) “{{uptimeLength}}”), Stream uptime: X hours, X minutes, X seconds, $(twitch $(channel) “{{displayName}} has {{viewers}} viewers”), !bid cancel To create an !age command that displays your age you can type, “!command add !age 27”. Related commands: !delquote, !editquote Used for adding/viewing quotes from the streamer. You can use this command to add, remove, or modify channel regulars.  Finishes the bid. This command will remove Nightbot from your chat. If you type in “!commands” in your chat it should list all of the available commands. $(touser) has been subbed for $(urlfetch$(channel)/$(touser)), “User” has been subbed for X years, X months. !quote 69 “!poll results” will output something like this, “StrawPoll Results:  Pizza: 15 votes, Hotdog: 3 votes, Nothing: 5 votes”. If you type in “!commands” in your chat it should list all of the available commands. $(urlfetch I used these to be pretty self-promotional and point to places like these guides, our Discord invite and our Twitter. Checkout our Quick Setup Guide. save. Channels You Manage; Manage a Channel; Settings; Logout; Soon™ This command will promote the most recent song you requested to the top of the queue for 500 Honkos + 30 Honkos per song in queue. I’m trying to find out if there’s a way we can have the win counter go up by doing !addwin then putting the number of kills for that game. !bet new Will Serenniel win the next race? My Stream Stats! Fun Commands: Bot Command: Purpose: Usage: Permission: Nightbot !69: hidden Everyone: Multiple Bots !dab: Do a dab! This command will select a random user from a list of every user that has spoken in your chat in the last 10 minutes. “!regulars delete JasonGaming” will remove the twitch user “JasonGaming” from the regulars group. If you want to update our “!age” command we would type, “!commands edit !age 28”. Login with YouTube. Nightbot App; Discord Integration; Commands. !reward Jahgee 30. Public functions:  Displays the current bet and options.  This would give a direct link to 2 minutes earlier in the stream. The Fast and the Furious Pt 1: What is Latency Really? Channels: Friendlybaron, Serenniel Active user — Give away picks between all active users in chat (you can make it more likely the winner is a subscriber and set a winner timeout on the previous winners if you are doing multiple giveaways), Keyword — viewers must enter a set word to enter the giveaway.

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