Therefore you do need to really look at other factors before you classify a whale as either male or female. The number of alternating light and dark layers of the earplug can be used to estimate how old a whale is. However, the changes to their food source, hunting by humans, and even pollution to the waters that they live in can affect their abilities to survive which is why they continue to try to adapt to the environment that they are in. It's highly valued not only because it's rare but also because it's hard to find any substitute for it as a base for perfume. You may be surprised at some of the characteristics as well as behaviors of these delightful mammals. I didn't know any of these things! About 166 gallons of urine is excreted by a sei whale in one day. Whales can swim at a rate of about 30 miles per hour. Keep reading for more interesting fun facts about whales! Like dolphins and porpoises, whales are believed to have descended from land animals that returned to the water roughly 50 million years ago after living millions of years on land. Whales are believed to be the only mammals that are able to adapt to the changing environment in the waters. Whales are cetaceans, mammals fully adapted to aquatic life. It's a dolphin. Want to know more? Whales breathe air just like humans, they need to come to the surface regularly to breathe. A Cuvier's beaked whale holds the record of longest stay underwater by a mammal. 6. The oldest recorded bowhead lived for about 211 years. Humpback Whale Breaching. Whale's do actually sleep. When they migrate to warmer regions before winter comes, the earwax formed is dark-colored. This is important due to the impact that humans have had on their natural living environment. But in 2015, a female gray whale was reported to have travelled around 14,000 miles for a return trip from Russia to Mexico, breaking the record. 1) Did you know that whales like all mammals are warm-blooded, produce milk to feed their young, have body hair (only on some species) and require air to survive? The Blue Whale is the biggest one out there. We’ve been tracking humpback whales in South Georgia waters to learn more about their migration patterns. 3. But other than that, I think the article is great. Aside from the presence or absence of this feeding system, the two types of whales differ in many other ways. Photo courtesy of NOAA. The most dangerous predators for Whales are humans. The largest whale in the world was the blue whale at 30 meters and over 180 tonnes, whereas the smallest was the pygmy sperm whale at 3.5m. Whales can weigh between 500 pounds and 200 tons. This is the only way that they are able to get the amount of rest that they need and still take care of this function that is necessary for their bodies to survive. Located at the back or on top of the head, this hole is covered by flaps that keep water out whenever they go under water. They jump high with most of their bodies leaving the water and landing on their backs. Whales have been hunted for their meat, bones and for medicinal purposes. The purpose of their songs is still not clear. The baleen plate is a skin derivative that hangs from the upper jaw and is used to filter food from seawater. Whale Facts: Did you know that whales are one of the few mammals that spend their entire lives in the water? Perhaps they produce these sounds to attract females, who curiously have never been recorded singing. In order to make sure that whales perform the basic functions to breathe, only one half of their brain will sleep at a time. It is only about 8 feet long. Although the blue whale is the biggest, it doesn't mean that it has the largest body parts or creates the loudest sound. A 7-pound piece of ambergris can be worth more than $50,000. When blue whales are born, they're usually 25ft long and weigh up to 7 tonnes. Whales are classified into baleen and toothed (self-explanatory). 7. Whales’ brain sleep one half at the time. In my childhood, I adopted a puppy that changed my life and attitude towards animals—I have since become a lifelong animal lover. Whales are marine mammals, even though they spend 99.9% of their time in the water. Being an enormous animal, a blue whale's heart is about the size of a small sedan. Bowhead whales are the longest-living mammals. A fin whale's daily production of urine amounts to 257 gallons. 5. Cool Rare Animals (author) on January 15, 2019: Ellison Hartley from Maryland, USA on January 15, 2019: This is super interesting! 1. While Moby-Dick didn't exactly exist, the story is inspired by a real event. Whales are part of the ‘cetacea’ family as they have fins, flukes and blowholes. With the left one growing to more than 6 feet and piercing the whale's lip, it looks more like a tusk than a tooth. Along with dolphins and porpoises, they're one of the few groups of marine mammals. It’s true. A female found in the Antarctic Ocean was 100ft long and weighed 144 tonnes, making it the biggest recorded blue whale. Years of exposure to salt water and the sun turns it into something similar to a rock with a waxy feel and a sweet smell. However, it is very thin and very light so unless you are seeing one up close you wouldn’t think it was there at all. As mammals, whales produce milk to feed their young. There is certainly plenty of fascinating aspects about whales to be aware of. Take a look at our killer whale facts to discover all the amazing things these large mammals can do. 3) Whales sleep very differently than most mammals. Researchers believe this is done so that the calf is less likely to drown when it is born. Whale Facts Every Child Should Know There are 2 Categories of Whales. On average, whales can remain submerged for 20 minutes. These proteins store oxygen in their blood and muscles.

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