The meaning if this significant flower is the emblem of love and marriage. Holly and his merry men, they dancen and they sing;Ivy and her maidens, they weepen and they wring. Very interesting and nicely researched! She loves to study nature and write about living things. It can also be a tool for healing rituals and shun away evil spirits. In the last verse of this carol, Ivy appears to have won the debate about who "will have the mastery" as Holly goes down on one knee in front of her. History of The Language of Flowers. I appreciate your support. Carols such as the ones described above may have been sung in conjunction with the decorating of a house or a church hall for Christmas. In early fall the leaves start turning brilliant red drawing oohs and aahs from every passer by. Various folk cultures and traditions assign symbolic meanings to plants. Re 'The Holly and the Ivy', I learned about this for a hub about Christmas carols I once wrote, and I concur with the view expressed here. There were bare flower-beds on either side of it and against the walls, Methinks there's a genius Roams in the mountains, Girdled with, No rays from the holy heaven come down On the long night-time of that town; But light from out the lurid sea Streams up the turrets silently - Gleams up the pinnacles far and free - Up domes - up spires - up kingly halls - Up fanes - up Babylon-like walls - Up shadowy long-forgotten bowers Of scultured, "Caesar had his Brutus--the cotton has its boliworm, the chorus girl has her Pittsburger, the summer boarder has his poison, "You look rather fagged, and it's a goodish way to, Pickwick,' resumed the host, after a short pause, 'for I love it dearly, and know no other--the old houses and fields seem like living friends to me; and so does our little church with the, Throughout the day they sat peaceful and solemn, with closed eyes, in the cool darkness shed round them by the, On the right of this valley opened another of less extent, adorned with several villages, and terminated by one of the towers of an old ruined abby, grown over with, Jerry seemed to be quite as happy as I was; he sat down by a bank under a shady tree, and listened to the birds, then he sang himself, and read out of the little brown book he is so fond of, then wandered round the meadow, and down by a little brook, where he picked the flowers and the hawthorn, and tied them up with long sprays of, With a slight rustle of her white dress trimmed with moss and. vies 1. Holly is given the starring role in the song and ivy is ignored, so it seems strange that ivy is even mentioned. I love the way you didn't burden the reader with too many details on this plant's natural history, which we can get anywhere, but focused instead on the historical and mythological traditions of the plant. Spin my tarot wheel to find out. This plant has lobed leaves, grows on walls, has blue berries and turns a beautiful red color in the autumn. Hope you have a lovely rest of the weekend. Wondering what the future holds? Yes, I Like Christmas Music. Faith Reaper from southern USA on May 03, 2014: Fascinating hub, Alicia! Peggy Woods from Houston, Texas on May 07, 2014: Amazing in depth article about ivy and references to it from different sources including carols, wine, the ivy league schools, etc. This ability sometimes has a symbolic meaning. I appreciate your visit. You always do such a thorough and complete job, very well done. Thank you very much for the kind comment, Maren Morgan! Dionysus was the Ancient Greek god of wine, agriculture, festivity, and theatre. Ivy pertains to the female plant while the holly is its male counterpart. This concept of using flowers to communicate certain ideas for thousands of years. Upvoted and shared :-). It can also mean fidelity and loyalty as well as marriage and a strong bond of love in marriage. Its juvenile stage has lobed and often large leaves, grows in many different environments, and sometimes spreads aggressively. Thanks for the visit. Thanks for the comment. Nithya Venkat from Dubai on May 07, 2014: Great hub, about the English Ivy. Answer: In general, it’s not thought to bring bad luck in North America. The ivy signifies friendship and affection.

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